Saturday, July 13, 2013

Stormtroopers at Work - Drawing Droids

Hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here!
polo field kinda gave us a sneak peak on how they're making the star wars takeover!
lets check it out!

Hello Penguins!

It's time for a little photo caption-writing fun!
Over the next few weeks, we'll post a Star Wars Takeover photo, then we want you to write the caption for it!
Here's an example to get you started..."When you can't find the Droids you're looking for... Draw them!"
Now it's your turn... what would you write as the caption for this photo?
Waddle On! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Star Wars Disney Game On! commercial

Disney Channel has released a new Club Penguin-themed Game On!, and it's all about the Star Wars Takeover. Check it out.

In this video we, of course, get to see our friend Hallie, and we get a lot of new information about the Star Wars Takeover. We know that we'll get the costumes of Jawa(s), Greedo, Tusken Raiders, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, C3PO, and more. Also, we'll be able to play a game that looks similar to the Scare Challenge, so that'll be cool.

I'm guessing that there'll be little film shorts too, like the Card-Jitsu Snow adventure. We'll also be able to travel to different parts of the galaxy like Tatooine, Yavin 4, and the Death Star. There'll be missions to complete once you get there, and once you complete them you're eligible for special items such as a Stormtrooper Helmet.

I'm really excited about this one! This takeover definitely looks promising. I hope you're all as excited as I am!

Full credit to Trainman1405

Episode 1: Waddle On! + What's New Blog post

The first episode of Waddle On! is out now! Check it out. LOL

I love this new series! I think the king made me laugh the most though. XD

Also, Spike Hike wrote a post about this. Check it out!
Hey Penguins,
For the next couple of months we're going to try something new -- and you're an important part of it!
We've gotten great comments from you about our videos, including the epic Star Wars preview video that we debuted last week. But there's one thing you always ask us for – MORE! Well, there's one thing we've always wanted to try... and that's a sketch comedy show!
So starting this week, we're launching #WaddleOn, a show made in Club Penguin itself about the random funny things that happen in our community everyday. Here's the first episode!
Now here's where you come in. We want to hear what you like, what you don't, what you think is funny, and what isn't. We also want to know what you'd like to see in future episodes. This is your show, so let's make it awesome together!
For each episode we'll incorporate your feedback and if you like it where it's headed, we'll keep doing more!
This is going to be fun!
Until next time... #WaddleOn!
-Club Penguin Team
I can't wait for the next episode! This is hilarious. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New iPad-Exclusive Star Wars Takeover Costume!

Hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here!
polo field posted something new on the whats new blog!
Check it out!

Hello Penguins!
Since we released the (amazingly epic) 3D cinematic trailer in celebration of the Star Wars™ Takeover, many of you have asked for sneak peeks! Here's one for you...
We're releasing a Boba Fett costume... exclusively on the My Penguin iPad app! Members with the app are able to pick up the new costume with our recent My Penguin app update. You'll definitely want this one!
There will be plenty of other amazing character costumes at the Takeover, too. Stay tuned for more info there!
Speaking of characters... Boba Fett is probably one of my favorite Star Wars characters. Who's your favorite Star Wars character? We'd love to hear about your favorite in the comments below! 
Until then... Waddle On! 

i also have those new exclusive items on the ipad!
check my twitter to see them!

Woddylan's Journal: Post 3 - Meeting Rookie

Note that the "Club Penguin Mascots" magazine isn't actually in the game, I just made it up to go with the story.
July 11, 2013
8:00 AM

I just read the lastest issue of Club Penguin Mascots (a magazine in CP) that Rookie would visit. I wonder why. I need some coins, I think I'll go Cart Surfing. It's such a long walk there.

25 minutes later...

I'm coming close to the Mine Shack area. Let's head in. Oh, that's why he's coming! To celebrate the grand opening of CPU (Club Penguin University)! I brought my magazine with me, and it turns out he is going to be right here with ME! This will be so exciting! I wonder why he out of all the famous penguins is coming though, because he is the dumbest one. Why not Aunt Arctic? It's almost time for him to come! Now he's here! He is going into CPU. Better run in quick before it get's too crowded! Oh good, I got in on time. It's cool seeing this university, where I'll go when I grow up! Right now I'm pretending to be a cafeteria worker, LOL! 
I want to have some more fun without having to write everything down, so bye for now journal!


Club Penguin Code: Chilling!

Hey there, penguin pals! Today I've got a code that nobody has ever seen before.. credit to @Pequa6 (on Twitter) for it! We are the first to be posting it! The code is: CHILLING

It unlocks a ghost costume!


Vote for the CPImagineers team!

Hey there, penguin pals! Today I got some late news. Two members of our team (Ocean6100 and me, Woddylan) have been nominated for TKCPC's Penguin Talent Awards! We don't force you, but we advise and encourage you to vote for us. You can vote at this link. Woddylan is under the category "Penguin Of The Year", and Ocean6100 is under the category, "Best Graphics Designer". Thank you for voting, and have a good day!


Spy Phone message from Jet Pack Guy

Today we got a new Spy Phone message from Jet Pack Guy:

Reports are coming in of puffles digging up rare items! Those goofy little fur balls never cease to amaze me. Great to have 'em on our team.

I really like digging up items too! This is my favorite thing involving Puffles in a long time.

Penguin of the Day: Boobear790

hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here!
the  new penguin of the day is now here!
check it out!

When Boobear790 isn’t donating all his saved up coins to Coins for Change at Christmas, he’s raising money for a brill charity in his spare time. This is amazing work, my friend!
Contact Us if you know someone who should be Penguin of the Day.

2 in 1 Post! My Thoughts: Puffle Digging, and Star Wars Ships!

Hello there, guys! It's me Woddylan! Today I'm back with another kind of post I've never done before, a 2 in 1 post! Here are the two topics:

  • My Thoughts: Puffle Digging
  • Star Wars Ships
Let's do the My Thoughts: Puffle Digging one first. Note that I forgot to take pictures, I am sorry about that.

So, as you probably know, Puffle Digging is out now. In my opinion, it's pretty cool, but there are some people who don't like it because it gives "rare" items. Here is what I got so far from it:
  • Red Lava Lamp
  • Black Puffle Poster
  • Red Puffle Poster
  • Treasure Chest
  • Mexican Vase
  • Black Pirate Cap Thingy
  • Umbrella Hat

There was only two things in there I didn't already have - the Mexican Vase and the Treasure Chest. Those do look like some pretty cool items! This is a great feature. Even though it gives you "rare" items, Club Penguin balanced it out because it is quite hard to actually find items. Tell us YOUR thoughts in the comments down below!

Now, to the second part of the post. This will be very short.

If you look out from the Beacon telescope, you will see the Death Star and some other ships for the new Star Wars Takeover. You can also see them in the sky in rooms such as the Beach and Town.
When you look at it from the beacon, there is a red flashing light, which looks a lot like the one from Rockhopper's Quest..

Let us know if you liked this post or not and why in the comment section below!


Haunting of the Viking Opera now on!

The Stage is playing a different play this month, the Haunting of the Viking Opera!
Here's the catalog.
On the first page, we have the Jewelled Viking Helmet for 550 coins, and the Pink Viking Dress for 475 coins.
On this page we have the Flashlight for 120 coins, the Ghost Costume for free, and the Dark Detective Coat for 650 coins. There's a secret on this page, and if you can find it, the Director's and Megaphone will be available for 250 and 145 coins, respectively.
On this page, there's the Viking Background for 60 coins, the Black Viking Helmet for 550 coins, and the Brown Viking Costume for 475 coins. That's all the new costumes! Break a leg!

New Puffle Digging Stamp

Today (since Item Digging came out) there's a new Puffle Digging Stamp in the Activity section of the book.
It's called the Treasure Box Stamp.

More soon...

Small Star Wars preparation

In the Dock, there's a little bit of construction going on.
I'm thinking this is construction for where the Millennium Falcon will land on July 25.

Thanks Corwo

Club Penguin University now open + Tour Guide messages

This week the Club Penguin University opened to all players, and it's amazing! Check out the campus.
This is awesome! We have the Mine Shack with new wood, the brand new University, we can see the Iceberg, a new Dojo path, and more.
Tour Guide: Welcome to Club Penguin University! Chill out on the lawn... ...start a game of volleyball... ...or head inside to class. When school gets out, head down to the Mine ...for a game of Cart Surfer!

Heading inside the University, there's everything, including a cafeteria.
 Tour Guide: Class is in session! Everyone take your seats. What are we studying today? When it's time for lunch... ...head into the cafeteria and check out the daily lunch special!

The left door leads to the Soccer Pitch, and the right door leads back into the campus. School is in session!

Starships on the horizon!

Today I was waddling around when I looked at the sky and saw something quite peculiar.
Yup. That's the Death Star and some Empire ships. I noticed this in the Beach, but upon further investigation you can see this in the Beacon telescope, Ski Village, Ski Hill, and the Town. They're getting closer to Club Penguin, by far.

Item Digging video

Last night Polo Field and Ninja finished a video they've been working on for a few days about Item Digging. Check it out!

Poor Ninja. ;) Item Digging is now on! What will you discover?

New pin: Text Book Pin (spoilers!)

There's a new pin out on the Island this week. It's called the Text Book Pin.
More soon!

Penguin Style - July 2013

This month's Penguin Style is now out with a bunch of really cool modern styles. Let's browse through it, shall we?
Here's the first page.
Here we have, of course, all of the colors. We have Blue, Green, Pink, Dark Purple, Brown, Peach, Light Blue, Lime Green, Aqua, Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, Dark Green, and Arctic White, all for 60 coins.
Here we have some new and old backgrounds. We have the Tatooine Sandcrawler background, the Tatooine's Desert background, the A Day At The Beach background, and the Red and Purple Plaid background on the left page, all for 60 coins. The other ones are the University Gates background, the Monster Arcade background, the Apples Background, and the Lined Paper Background, all for 60 coins as well.
Moving on to the new member's clothing!
Here we have The Easy breezy for 500 coins, the Cat Eye Sunglasses for 200 coins, The Slick for 250 coins, the Sandy Flip Flops for 150 coins, the Beach Ready Outfit for 450 coins, the Pink Flip Flops for 150 coins, and the Seaside Denim Jacket and Hoodie for 450 coins.
On this page we have the Color Me Cool Outfit for 400 coins, The Cap it and Forget it for 300 coins, and the Blue and White Flip Flops for 150 coins.
On this page we have the 14K Fish Necklace for 110 coins, The Summer Sidetied for 250 coins, the Lime Slip Ons for 150 coins, and the Pretty In Punk Outfit for 450 coins.
On this page, we have the Hard Hat for 50 coins, the Safety Vest for 20 coins, the Wide Awake Eyes for 150 coins, the Kitty Cat Eyes for 150 coins, the Diva Glam Eyes for 150 coins, and the Starlet Eyes for 150 coins. That's all the new styles! I hope you all enjoy them.

Club Penguin Times issue #403

Club Penguin Times issue #403 is now out! Let's take a look.

The galaxy is under attack!
By A High-Ranking EPF Official -- This just in! The EPF has intercepted a message from the Rebel Alliance. Imperial Forces are threatening the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance is calling for help.

Island residents worry Imperial Forces could destroy the entire universe at any time! Fear is on the increase as we learn the strange spot in the sky is definitely--the Death Star. Agents are working overtime at the Dock, preparing for the Millennium Falcon to land. We caught up with Gary, who was one of the first on the scene.

"According to my state-or-the-art, intergalactic Barometron 3000, there is a dramatic shift in atmospheric pressure," said Gary. "There is much cause for conern. Complete destruction of the univerise is 99.375% likely." The Millennium Falcon and the Rebel Alliance will land on July 25. The fast of the island rests with you.

Sorry to interrupt... Just got to school and I forgot my lucky clover. If you see me, can I borrow yours?

More treasure hidden in Club Penguin

By PH -- Crikey! What started out as a coin-digging extravaganza is now a gargantuan surprise! It looks like members' puffles, are unexpectedly finding rare treasure!

Last week we messaged Rockhopper by cannon to see what he had to say. "ARRRR! I'd no idea treasure be hidin' beneath the island. But this be not surprisin' me," he said. "Last week I found a pink flamingo in me bird--who knows how long it had been there?!"

Absolutely ACE! Pet owners everywhere are stoked! I always knew there was more to the island than what's on the surface!


Out now! Penguin Style
Rock out with retro looks and bold summer style.

On now! The Stage
The Haunting of the Viking Opera is on now, so get to the Stage to hit your highest note!

July 25 Blast into Space
The Millennium Falcon lands July 25!

Check out the new intergalactic planetary igloo furniture July 18!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until July 24.
Next pin hidden: July 25-August 7

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Item Digging log-in screen

Tonight Club Penguin released a new log-in screen about Item Digging. Check it out!
I'm guessing most (if not all) items that the people are finding players will be able to find. That probably means you'll find some Viking Helmets, some sandals, and I've heard tale of 3D Glasses being available (Thanks Dr Flopper). I can't wait for Item Digging! You know how I am about collecting items. ;)

Thanks Trainman1405

Star Wars Takeover exit screen

This evening a new exit screen was released advertising the upcoming Star Wars Takeover, and it looks really cool.
It says here that members can get 20+ costumes! That's exciting. I can't wait to dress up as a Stormtrooper and Darth Vader. ;)

Thanks Saraapril

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Penguin Poll: What monster?

There's a new Penguin Poll on the Fun Stuff page!

Right now we're all about the monsters! Which scary monster is your favorite?
  • Vampires
  • Werewolves
  • Zombies
  • All three!
I think my favorite monsters are vampires! They're my favorite out of all the options.
Here's the stats as they are now.

PenguinCon Update!

To understand this image, read here.


Woddylan's Journal: Post 2 - Mountain Monday

Before you read, note that in this story, "CPSquawk" is a parody of "Twitter". And "squawking" is a parody of "tweeting".
July 8, 2013
4:45 PM
It looks like one of my best friends, Mountain (Mountain717), has decided to have a meetup called, "Mountain Monday". He just squawked the time, and I'm going. It's kind of a long walk to get to the coffee shop from my cottage, but I'm finally here. It turns out my friend Zowey (Zowey30000) is here too! The three of us have decided to take a picture of us typing on our computers and smiling! By the time your reading this, you probably see the picture taped up above this. We are having such a good time! Zowey just asked Mountain if we can go to her igloo, so we walked there. Man, was that far away. Oh look, my friend Ice (Icequix) showed up! This is very exciting. I asked if we could go to my igloo, and Mountain was fine with that. So we are going to my igloo. We are going to do more stuff, but I want to have some fun and not just be carrying my journal around, writing in the middle of fun things. I don't want to be inter-tubing down Ski Hill writing down things with my pen!


Some quick Twitter bits to keep you informed

Today I found three Twitter bits that I thought interesting enough to put on here. Check them out!
The first one involves the next version of My Penguin. Sounds important!
Too bad I don't have an iPad, but I'm sure this will be awesome, as My Penguin has proven to be so far. :) The next one talks about Club Penguin's new YouTube show that's coming this week.

The last one is about a new sneak peek video, and it's believed this one is about Item Digging. 

What do you make of all these? They all sound promising. Stay tuned! 

Penguin of the day: Popu12356

Bobby 123 Ab here!
the new penguin of the day is now  here!
and here he/she is!

Not only does Popu12356 throw awesome igloo parties but he's also a wacky penguin who loves to joke around and make his buddies laugh. I hear he’s brill at mascot spotting too!
Contact Us to share your nominations!

Mountain717's Birthday Party!

Hi guys! If you have looked at my twitter, you will see that my birthday is this month. So,
Ok, here is the date, time, server, room and stuff.

Mountain717's Birthday Party Times:
Day: Next Wednesday (7/16/2013) (That is not my real Birthday  date.)
Time: 2:00 PST (5:00 EST and 2:00 PST).
Server: Mountain.
Room: Pizza parlor.

That was it!

Waddle on!

Monday, July 8, 2013


Hello there, penguin pals! My friend Zowey30000 came up with a great idea! Why not make a Club Penguin convention where all of us penguins could meet? I thought that was a great idea, so I came up with a name for PenguinCon! I was inspired by the name MineCon, for all those Minecraft players out there. You could get exclusive items, meet moderators, do activities, see sneak peeks, and more!! PenguinCon would happen each year, it wouldn't be a one time thing. I have an idea for one of the activities. Well, if you paid a certain amount of money (real life money, obviously), they would give you your Club Penguin clothes in real life. They would mass produce every Club Penguin clothing item, and so you wouldn't have to worry about them running out. Wouldn't that be cool, to wear your Club Penguin clothes in real life? Also, this would be a great chance to meet some Club Penguin friends, such as my online best buds, Ocean6100, Mountain717, and maybe even Bobby 123 Ab! The PenguinCon location would change each year, so if you lived far away from it, maybe the next time it will be in your city!! I sent an email to Club Penguin support regarding this, and once they reply, I will post about it. What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments!


Club Penguin's Twitter goes Star Wars

Today Club Penguin decorated their Twitter page with Star Wars-themed stuff! It looks really cool.

Here's the background.

I love the C3PO penguin. It's so cute.

Reviewed by you: Jokes!

Hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here!
Earlier today polo field posted a new "reviewed by you" post on the whats new blog!
Check it out!

I really liked Awesome16425's answer:  My favorite part of the party so far is how you could actually scare people with the event costumes. My best monster mash-up costume has the body of Space Squid, the head of Hardsrcabble, around its neck is Tusk's cloak, and it holds a shovel. I call him 'Squidolofulous'(Sk-wee-did-off-oh-lus). He digs up graves and scares the skeletons inside to practice his scaring skills. 
That does sounds pretty scary! *Shivers*
As for this week, thinking back to the release of Puffle Digging...we want to hear your best puffle or pet joke!
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!
-Club Penguin Team