There's a new Penguin Poll! Check it out:
The Island's gone Medieval! Who will you be?
- A knight
- A princess
- A dragon
- A wizard
- An ogre
- A fairy
I'm going to be a wizard. Here's the stats as they are now.
Thanks Saraapril
Hiya!As you guys know, I'm from the UK, so the Medieval Party is one of my all time favourite paaaar-tays! I recently popped into the Town, where I saw a bunch of these penguins waddling around looking a bit... strange. A helpful fellow nearby kindly explained that some magical potions were turning people into odd things. Well, I have to admit, that sounded pretty fun!So listen up, my fellow merry Medieval pals! Feel free to join me for a funky Potion Party tomorrow, September 21st, at 3am Penguin Standard Time (11am in the UK) on the server Yeti? I can't wait to see you there! Unless you're invisible, in which case I probably won't see you at all...! :D
Icyblue1113 is a real hero! They rally up the troops on Club Penguin to join an epic club which is all about donating to Coins for Change and giving tours! I’m a Tour Guide too, can I join pleeeease? ;)
Lucky14363 is always sharing their Card-Jitsu skills with other penguins. I even heard that they sometimes lose intentionally, just to help their buddies earn their belts! That is some friend. I’m yet to complete CJS so perhaps they could give me a lesson some time! I’ll get my racket ready ;)
If you hang out at the Lighthouse you might have seen the super talented Topaz2D9907 jamming with her band and telling jokes! Uh-oh, I feel another Daffo joke coming on… Q: What’s the difference between a fish and a guitar? A: You can’t tuna fish! XD
Pantherxx12 is quite a character! I’m told he's a dedicated EPF Agent who loves to throw awesome parties and is never seen without a wacky hat! He would totes love my silly hat parties. Now, where did I put my sombrero...?
I *Like* Fashionfun85 for always supporting her buds by *Liking* as many igloos as she can! She's also formed a bunch of bands and clubs on CP! I think we should all join the Iggy *Liking* Club, don’t you? ;)