Sunday, March 20, 2016

About our Club Penguin Generation

Note from Dylan: We are still hoping to soon turn this site into the Imagineers Network, a place for our Minecraft and other videos. Sometimes we might go back to CP, too!

Hey guys! Mountain717 (Jummy) here! I am making this post to address the fact that my generation of Club Penguin fans are moving on. And that is okay. Because, was it ever completely about Club Penguin? No. It was about, well, waddling around and meeting new friends. And furthermore, keeping those friends as you move from Club Penguin to the next game. I think it is safe to say most of the CP Imagineers crew has moved on from playing Club Penguin mostly, but it still, and always will hold a special place in our hearts.

Thanks for everything guys, you are all the BEST!

Signing off, and, as always...

                   Waddle on!
  -Mountain717 from the CP Imagineers Crew

 Hey, for fun, please scroll on down and make a comment saying how you found us, or when you have seen us around, Club Penguin or not. I am interested to see how many people will come back here. So, comment on down.  I am really interested.
 Well, see ya'll around!