Saturday, January 25, 2014

Club Penguin Blog: #MeggTakeover of Spike Saturday

Here's a message from Megg:
Hope everyone is enjoying the #MeggTakeover :D
Since today is Saturday, there would usually be a Spike Saturday.  As temporary owner for the weekend, I'm taking over Spike Saturday! However, I didn't want to completely take away the "Spikeness" of it, so I've dressed up like Spike Hike...
I was thinking we could all dress up like Spike Hike and still throw a Spike Saturday but with a twist.
So, if you wanna join in... I'll be going on the server Hockey at 11:00am Penguin Standard Time. (If you're not sure when that is, check the clock tower at the Snow Forts)
On another note, if you have any awesome ideas for the #MeggTakeover -- write them in the comments below!
Waddle on, 
Let's go! This #SpikeSaturday will be fun, I can tell.

Thanks Saraapril

Friday, January 24, 2014

Club Penguin Blog: The #MeggTakeover Starts Now!

Here's a message from Megg:
Well, it's finally happened....
Spike Hike is letting me temporarily have ownership over Club Penguin this weekend! W00t! As temporary owner, I want to focus on the community and how awesome all of you are.
My first order of business, COLORING! I know I know, that doesn't sound like much of a take over but I promise it'll be worth it.
Remember back to the #MeggTakeover episode of The Spoiler Alert  when we talked about getting more coloring pages? As temporary owner I say, it shall be done! I thought everyone could color this hoodie template all pretty like and send it on in to me so I can see 'em.
You can submit the finished hoodie templates here. I'll only be accepting them for this weekend while I'm temporary owner so be sure to get them in! I'll be coloring some as well :D
On another note, I'll be posting some meet up times on the blog throughout the weekend. Stay tuned!
Waddle on, 
Whoa, Megg has finally taken over Club Penguin! Can't wait to see what this is like. Be sure to color in the hoodie using the template, and we'll see what Megg does next! ;) 

Penguin of the Week: Zackryder117

This week's Penguin of the Week is Zackryder117!
Here what Daffodaily5 said:
Zackryder117 sure knows how to throw a party! Whether he's hosting his very own EPIC iggy party or helping others get theirs started – he’s always there to provide the fun! His igloo is some kind of dinosaur-graveyard-café... I love the skull! That reminds me; Q: What do you call a one eyed dinosaur? A: Do-ya-think-he-saurus! I bet you haven't heard that one before ;)
 A huge congratulations to Zackryder117! Remember, if you want to nominate anyone for Penguin of the Week, send in your nomination in the comments of the original What's New Blog post, linked above!

Thanks Trainman1405

Australian Club Penguin Prize Pack Contest

If you live in Australia, I've got a contest for you. Australian Club Penguin is hosting a contest where you can win one out of ten Club Penguin prize packs!
Here's the description:

Win a Club Penguin prize pack to celebrate the launch of Club Penguin app!
To celebrate the launch of Club Penguin app on iPad, we've giving 10 lucky winners the chance to WIN an exclusive prize pack filled with Club Penguin goodies!
Prize pack includes:
  • Club Penguin iPad cover
  • Club Penguin 1 month membership
  • Puffle Key-Ring
  • Puffle library bag
Access this on your desktop computer to enjoy the Disney fun! To enter, simply register for My Disney (or login if you have an account) and tell us in 25 words or less where you would like to play Club Penguin app and why?
The competition is open to all Australian and New Zealand residents aged 13 or older and closes 17th Jan 2014. One entry per person.
Terms and conditions apply.
Head to the official Disney page (linked here) to enter. Good luck!

Thanks Tweety

Club Penguin Blog: Prehistoric Party - On Now!

Here's a message from Polo Field:
Head to the Snow Forts to travel back in time to the stone age. There's some new prehistoric rooms to explore, and dino puffles to rescue! 
What's your favorite part of the Prehistoric Party? Let us know in the comments!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
My favorite part of this year's Prehistoric Party is definitely the Dino Puffles. Huge props to the Club Penguin Team on creating SIX new types of puffles! :) 

Penguin Poll: Favorite Caveguin Phrase

We have a new Penguin Poll!
The Prehistoric party is coming! What's your favorite caveguin phrase?
  • Ooga Booga
  • Ugg Ugg
  • Tiki Tiki
  • Aboot
I definitely choose Ooga Booga! LOL

Here's the stats as they are now.

EPF Message from Dot! (January 23, 2014)

We have a new Spy Phone message from Dot!

Agents, the Stone-Age is a great place to practice your disguise skills - plants, dinosaurs, mud puddles. if you can hide from the dinosaurs, you've got your disguise down.


Thanks Corwo

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prehistoric Party 2014 Party Guide

The long-awaited Prehistoric Party 2014 is finally live on the Island! Let's look at it all!

When you first log into the party, you get this message from Gary the Gadget Guy:

"Greetings time travelers! My ancient ancestor Garugg the Ugg Ugg has discovered dino puffle eggs! Head to prehistoric times to save these rare animals. We only have until February 4th!

Click "TIME WARP!", and you'll be taken to the Snow Forts, and a message from Garugg the Ugg Ugg pops up:
"TIKI! Dino puffle eggs! Dig for eggs! Save dino puffles! OOGA OOGA!!!"

Use Dino Dig sites to dig for Dino Puffle eggs. Once you've dug up an egg, you'll get a message from Garugg the Ugg Ugg:
"OOGA OOGA! You found dino puffle egg! Now go Volcano! Heat egg on hot rock! Three times! You save dino puffles!"

Once you click "UGG UGG!!", you'll be taken to a screen where you can see all the stuff you've dug up. Equp the egg, then use the Map to head to the Volcano.

Walk over the bridge, and you'll be taken to the heart of the Volcano.

Once you're there, find Hotspots to heat up your egg so it can hatch.

Once you heat up your egg and hatch it, you'll be the proud owner of a Dino Puffle!

This is fun! Just keep on digging so you can transform into more dinosaurs and get more Dino Puffles!

New Pin: Dino Snack Pin (spoilers!)

We have a new Pin this week: the Dino Snack Pin!
This Pin is located at the Beach.

More soon!

Homepage Updates (January 23, 2014)

Club Penguin's updated their homepage this week with some Prehistoric Party flair. First of all, they have a new background:
They've also added a new advertisement on their homepage promoting Dino Puffles:
They also added one new slide. Check it out:
That's all! Ooga booga!

Club Penguin Times Issue #431 - Dino Puffle Eggstraction!

Let's check out this week's episode of the Club Penguin Times!

An exciting journey ahead...

By Gary -- Everyone! Garugg the Ugg Ugg needs our help with a startling prehistoric discovery -- DINO PUFFLES!

Garugg found rare dino puffle eggs and he needs our help to save them. When I visited the prehistoric time before, Garugg told me dino puffles were a myth. No one had ever seen one. Then, he discovered the eggs buried in the ground. Perhaps it was our recent excavations of the Volcano that caused some sub-surface shift?

That is a theory I will investigate another time. Right now, it is imperative that we rescue as many as we can before we lose the chance. It may be a very long time before we have the opportunity again.

Think of the gains for science! If you'd like to help, please go to a dig site. They're in prehistoric lands and in special igloos called digloos.

Now, I must go collect my digging gear!

New dinosaurs discovered -- the stegosaurus and the raptor! Collect all four colors of each!

Millions of years later, this is the Forest.

By Gary -- I must start this article with an admission--I don't fully understand time travel. It's... well... The technical term is "weird." It's very very weird. One thing I know is that we have to be careful.

Any changes to the past can have calamitous impacts on the future. In the case of the Forest, I believe the changes will be positive. But, there are other changes that cause wild differences in timelines. Once I sent myself a message from the future, "Gary STOP!" And that caused all kinds of catastrophes!

Let's be cautious while we're in prehistoric times, because it is impossible to know how we might affect the future!

Good luck fellow time travelers!

Jan. 29 Dino Puffle Dig
More dino puffles on the horizon

Feb. 6 Time Trekker Removal
Save the dino puffles before the Prehistoric Party becomes history!

Feb. 6 Penguin Style
Crazy costumes, outrageous outfits, and more at the Clothes Shop

Now! Stretch your legs and play with your puffles in your new backyard!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until February 5.
Next pin hidden: February 6 - 19

Forest and Ski Hill: Updated

After a long wait, two of the rooms that have maintained their classic designs have finally updated: the Forest and the Ski Hill. Check it out!
These updates are pretty fantastic! I think I like the Ski Hill's best. It looks so modern and it looks like a fun place to hang out. Awesome!

Igloo Backyards Now Available to All!

The long-awaited Igloo Backyards are now available for all players, right at the convenience of your own igloo. When you first enter your igloo, you'll get this message:
Where are all my puffles?

Some of your puffles went to your backyard. Only 10 puffles can fit in your igloo. You can adopt up to 40 and keep them in your backyard!

This is fantastic! Click "OK", and the message will disappear. Then click on the Gate icon in the lower-right corner. You'll then be taken to your new Igloo Backyard!

When you first enter your Igloo Backyard, this message will appear:
Welcome to your backyard!

  • Now adopt up to 40 puffles!
  • You can move puffles between your igloo and backyard
  • Your puffles' stats stay the same while they're in your backyard
Click "OK", and the message will disappear, and you'll be in your Igloo Backyard!

One last thing before we finish: there's a slightly different way to take care of your puffles now! Just click on them, and you'll get this:

Pretty awesome! The "Leash" icon allows you to easily start walking your puffles, the "Comb" icon means you can take care of your puffle in more detail, and the "Arrow" icon means you can move it to either your igloo to your Backyard or vice versa.

This is fantastic! Huge props to the Club Penguin Team on this one.

New Prehistoric Log-in Animation

Club Penguin's trying out a new thing starting with this party: new log-in animations! Check out the one made specially for the Prehistoric Party 2014:
Remember, this party is only on until February 4, so let's enjoy it while we can!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prehistoric Party 2014 Exit Screen

Club Penguin has released a new exit screen to promote the Prehistoric Party 2014!
Can't wait for this party to begin! Ooga booga!

Thanks Ninjakrom

Dino Puffle Information

The Dino Puffles are coming to the Island very soon, so Club Penguin has updated various branches of their Help pages so we can learn a little more about them.

How do I adopt a dinosaur puffle?

Members can adopt a dino puffle during the Prehistoric Party Jan. 22 - Feb 4.

Head to the Time Trekker in the Snow Forts to travel back to prehistoric Club Penguin. Six different dino puffles are available to adopt!

These rare puffles will only be available during the party.

How do I care for my dinosaur puffle?

Like all puffles, dino puffles need lots of care and attention.

To care for your dino puffle, take it for a walk and use the care stations in the Puffle Hotel and Pizza Parlor.

What happens to my dinosaur puffle after my membership expires?

If you've adopted a dino puffle and your membership expires, your dino puffle will go outside to your backyard.

Only members can bring their dino puffles into their igloo and take them for walks. But don't worry, while your dino puffle is in your backyard its stats won't go down.

What species of dinosaur puffles exist?

Currently there are 6 different dino puffles in Club Penguin:
  • Yellow Stegosaurus
  • Pink Stegosaurus
  • Black T-rex
  • Purple T-rex
  • Blue Triceratops
  • Red Triceratops
Dino Puffles become available on January 22. Don't miss it!

Dino Puffles -- Frequently Asked Questions

Here's a message from Polo Field:
Since we announced that dino puffles will be coming to Club Penguin, we've been getting a lot of questions.

To help answer some of them, check out the links below:

To adopt a dinosaur pufle, you first need to dig up an egg at the Prehistoric Party. Here's how to adopt a dinosaur puffle! 
You can care for your dino puffles by taking them for a walk.  Learn more about caring for dino puffles here. 
Don't worry, your dino puffle won't run away if your membership expires. Find out more here. 
There are 6 different dinosaur puffles.  Here's a full list of dino puffles.  

If you have other questions about dino puffles, leave them in the comments!

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
The Dino Puffles are really, really exciting. Can't wait to see all that they can do! 

Weekly Chattabox Meet-up: Join Chattabox and Go 'Australia Day' Crazy!!!

Here's a message from Chattabox:
G'Day Penguins,
You guys were so awesome at last week's tennis party; I loved everyone's outfits. Also, how much fun was snowball tennis? I think we have a few sports stars in the making…
This week is one of my favourite weeks of the year because… This Sunday is AUSTRALIA DAY! Woohoo!! I want to throw my biggest party yet. So come along dressed up in your Australia Day outfit  you could wear green and gold,  a cork hat, a life savers outfit, you could even dress up like a crocodile hunter! Anything Australian! Lets have a party to remember! I'm going to deck out my Iggy with all things Aussie just for the occasion! Feel free to prepare some 'Australia jokes' - you know I love hearing your jokes. I'm so excited – bring on the BBQ's and Triple J's Hottest 100!
Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 23rd January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 22nd January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
Will you be attending this event? 

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Spoiler Alert: Episode 8 (Ooga Booga)

Episode 8 of The Spoiler Alert has been released! There are so many fantastic sneak peeks in this one, so check it out:
So much great stuff in this episode. They even mentioned the long-awaited update to the EPF Command Room. Awesome!

Club Penguin Blog: My Penguin Day - One Week Left!

Here's a message from Daffodaily5:
Just a quick update about the My Penguin Day competition we're running in the UK! I've received looooads of brill entries so far. You guys are super creative. It's been so much fun looking through them all! I love reading about your favourite things to do on CP. 
So anyway, I just wanted to write a quick reminder that the competition is ending on the 27th of January, which means there's only 1 week left for people to enter! The competition template can be downloaded HERE and the details about how to send it are written at the bottom of that sheet. All entries need to have parental permission, with the back page filled out and included with every template. Don't forget, we're looking for people to do their own drawings and write their own stories. The more creative the better!
I'll be judging all the templates with 2 other members of the UK team after the 27th, announcing the winner as soon as possible after that. I can't wait to see who wins! :)
-Club Penguin Team
If you live in the United Kingdom be sure to enter this contest. 

Thanks Trainman1405