Friday, August 2, 2013

Penguin Poll: Which Star Wars character?

New Penguin Poll! Check it out. :)

The galaxy needs you! Which Star Wars character are you playing as?
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Princess Leia
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Han Solo
  • Chewbacca
I haven't dressed up as any, but my favorite is probably either Chewbacca or Han Solo.
Here's the stats as they are now.

Thanks Saraapril

Caption writing: Foosball Break!

New caption-writing post! Check it out:
Looks like it was a pretty intense game of foosball! Post your best caption suggestion in the comments below!
"Oh! I was so close to winning that Droid!"

Club Penguin: #WaddleOn - Episode 4

It's Friday, and that means that we have a new episode of #WaddleOn! I love the last part best (and I think this is the best one yet!).

This video is hilarious. Again, I think this is the best one so far, but my favorite part is the last part with the "Pookie trap". LOL

More soon!

Penguin of the Day: August 2, 2013

Today's Penguin of the Day is Squidy2008! Congratulations!
Today's Penguin of the Day was chosen for the following reasons:
I’ve heard Squidy2008 is a CP pro! He’s also got an amazing collection of backgrounds and he's a great pal to his online buddies. Looks like he’s joined the dark side though... ;)
Congratulations, and clever Darth Maul outfit. :) 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A little break.

Hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here,
im going to be on a short break from blogging.
But don't worry!
I will be back!
So just know this isn't goodbye, more like a see you later.
nd as billybob once said,

I Found Darth Herbert! *Shutters*

Here is Darth Herbert!

That was it!

Waddle On!

Death Star Walkthrough!

Hi guys! Today I am going to risk my life showing you the Death Star! Sound fun? Not to me, but here is the first part of the Death Star!

That was it!

Waddle On!

Club Penguin Times issue #406

Check out this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times!

Steal the Secret Plans.

Message from Princess Cadence: Okay guys! Fly to the Death Star! Remember to keep it real cause you gotta find your way in, and don't get caught. This is gonna need some serious concentration. So, use the Force and stay FOCUSED!!

To steal the plans, you need a whole lotta stealthy moves. Watch out for Dearth Herbert--that guy's bad news! So, make sure ur puffles are well behaved! We can't have them burping up Puffle O's and giving away our location. This place is crawling with Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers! And u don't wanna get locked up in the detention cells. Not cool.

Navigate your way through this über scary space station for an EPIC WIN! Nab the secret plans, so we can analyze the data and find the Death Star's weakness. Once we know that--we can TOTES destroy the Death Star. The fate of the galaxy rests with you! Let's do this!

Tired of Darth Herbert? Go meet Helga, and trade your Stormtrooper helmet for a Viking one at the Stage.

Forces of the dark side are on the rise

By Princess Cadence -- Darth Herbert's evil forces r growing stronger. Stormtroopers r taking over the Dance Club and capturing anyone seen busting a move! There's no laughing and having fun on the dark side, GUYS!! Say goodbye to pizza too, unless u can talk to Darth Herbert into sharing! And I don't think he's really into that.

So, gather more Rebel forces. We need to defeat the Stormtroopers, defend Club Penguin and reclaim our dance floor! Get the word out everyone!!! And let's get this battle started! Princess Cadence, OUT!


Aug. 8 Fly to Yavin 4
Fly to the base and destroy the Death Star!

Aug. 8 Penguin Style
Bold colors and classic summer style--Get this season's latest looks!

Aug. 15 Ruby and the Ruby
Enjoy a sparkling mis of drama, mystery, and fun! At the Stage.

Infiltrate the Death Star. Go! Go! Go!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until August 7.
Next pin hidden: August 8-21

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Remember: Club Penguin updates tonight! (7/31/13)

This week's updates are pretty major. Check it out:
  • Traveling to Death Star
  • Darth Herbert comes out
  • Club Penguin Times issue #406
  • EPF message
That's all! Let me tell you, the Death Star is HUGE. Get ready for the ultimate challenge!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Penguin of the Day: Michael17063

Hey guys!
Bobby 123 Ab here!
earlier today, the new penguin of the day was announced!
here they are!

It took me a while myself to figure out how to get into the Secret Under Water Room so it makes me happy that Michael17063, a devoted Tour Guide, share all his CP secrets with new players!
You know the drill! Send your nominations via the Contact Us page!