Monday, July 8, 2013


Hello there, penguin pals! My friend Zowey30000 came up with a great idea! Why not make a Club Penguin convention where all of us penguins could meet? I thought that was a great idea, so I came up with a name for PenguinCon! I was inspired by the name MineCon, for all those Minecraft players out there. You could get exclusive items, meet moderators, do activities, see sneak peeks, and more!! PenguinCon would happen each year, it wouldn't be a one time thing. I have an idea for one of the activities. Well, if you paid a certain amount of money (real life money, obviously), they would give you your Club Penguin clothes in real life. They would mass produce every Club Penguin clothing item, and so you wouldn't have to worry about them running out. Wouldn't that be cool, to wear your Club Penguin clothes in real life? Also, this would be a great chance to meet some Club Penguin friends, such as my online best buds, Ocean6100, Mountain717, and maybe even Bobby 123 Ab! The PenguinCon location would change each year, so if you lived far away from it, maybe the next time it will be in your city!! I sent an email to Club Penguin support regarding this, and once they reply, I will post about it. What do you think about this? Let us know in the comments!



  1. I think this is a spectacular idea, and I'm very interested to see what Club Penguin Support has to say about it. I would love to go one of those!
