Friday, January 17, 2014

Club Penguin Blog: Club Penguin in Russian Coming Soon!

Here's a message from Spike Hike:
Привет Penguin Friends,

Our global Penguin community is growing again! We are so excited to announce that Club Penguin is finally coming to Russia!

This marks the sixth language to join Club Penguin. With over 7M kids online in Russia, we hope to see lots of Russian Penguins waddling around the island soon.

To our new Russian friends, "добро пожаловать" (welcome)! What makes Club Penguin special is the diverse community of kids like you from around the world who visit the island every day and fill it with their joy and imaginations. Here, the coolest thing you can be is yourself, and we can't wait to see the special things you will bring to our community.

I also want to say "привет" to our new Russian blogger Snego Lex. Snego will keep our Russian Penguins up to date on everything happening on the island and will also share more about Russia and its culture with the rest of our Penguins around the globe.

Club Penguin will go live in Russian officially on February 6 at and will be available in the next release of the Club Penguin app in the next few months.

Until next time…шлёпаем дальше (Waddle On)!
-Club Penguin Team
Sounds great! I can't wait to see how the new Russian Club Penguin community will grow. This is fantastic! 


  1. Hey CPimagineers
    I was just wondering if you have a stencil for jordy's penguins. I absolutely love them.

    1. Hi there!

      Great to hear you love Jordy's art as well! She's very talented. :) I'm not sure what you mean by a "stencil" in this case. Can you clarify this?


    2. Thanks for replying
      Sorry for the ambiguous question. I was just wondering whether there is a technique on how she does it (what pencils and equipment she uses and how she draws the penguins so well + how she designs the pose for the penguin). Is it also possible for her to draw me a picture. I understand if she can't because everyone can't just be free all the time. There's work to be done and other things to attend to. I'm just a real big fan of her drawings. I love your website and the whole team. I also applied for the helpers team page. Can I join??
      Thanks so much for everything.

    3. Could you please pass this on to Jordy. Thanks

  2. Hey ocean
    Just one last thing
    Did you make the animated penguins on the 'meet the team' page?? If so could you make me one too please.

    1. I didn't draw them, but I digitalized/animated them. JordyP1 drew them. :)
