Thursday, December 19, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #426 - Rookie Runs Off The Trails!

Check out this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times!

Gary's designs didn't account for driving at Rookie-speed.

By Rockhopper -- Shiver me timbers! Rookie sent sacks of gold soarin' with his drivin'. With every corner he sped around, more o' those glistenin' coins came spilling out! Time to board your trains, me hearties!

Batten the hatches! Hoist the... um... whate'er it is needs hoistin' on a train. Thar be coins all over the island that need collectin' for Coins Fer Change! Gather ye mateys and head to the Train Station at the Snow Forts. Ye can start your journey there. Once ye board, collect as much as ye can. Then, haul it to the donation stations at the end of the lines.

It be the train engine that controls where the train goes so step lively if ye be the engineer at the front. Take a lesson from Rookie and don't let that train get away from ye. Have no fear, we be on course to recover the loot.

With all these train crews working hard, we be celebratin' with a mug o' cream soda soon!

Happy Holidays! Train tunnels are now available for members' igloos in the Furniture Catalog!

A curious application of snowball technology.

By Gary -- Salutations! It seems my train had more kinetic kick that in needed! I should have instructed Rookie to take it easier on the throttle, I suppose. Now we have a new problem, and I have created a solution. The Collector Cannon 3000 should be perfect for collecting coins while you're on board a train. As you speed along, simply aim and fire to collect the scattered coins.

This device will give you unparalleled snowball accuracy. I hope that it assists in the clean up operations. Collecting for Coins For Change is an important and noble cause. Now, I must go back to my research. Good luck with your efforts!


Dec 31 New Year's Eve!
Make your resolutions for 2014!

Jan. 16 Furniture Catalog
Stylish retro furniture for your igloos

On now: Coins For Change -- Join a train to collect coins!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until December 26.
Next pin hidden: December 27 - January 8


What do you do around the Holidays?
-Vay Kation

Well, Coins For Change is obviously a big part of the Holidays for me. I love seeing everyone in a giving mood, showing their support for the great causes and each other. There are lots of other charming aspects of the season, though.

For instance, it is the very best time of year to sit down for a chat over a nice cup of tea. I look forward to learning more about what all of you are up to this winter. And, as the year winds down, I like to think about what the next year will bring.

Will there be more secrets revealed? What will be the best parties? What kind of hoodie will be the most popular? No matter what, I'm happy to have another year with all of the wonderful readers of the Club Penguin Times!



Want to earn as much as possible for Coins For Change? Here's how to hit big numbers on your train ride:

Shoot at the targets while you ride by. Everything you collect will be donated when you reach the end of the line. Make sure you're aiming ahead of the targets - you'll hit a lot more of them. Smaller items like the stockings are harder to hit, but they're worth big coins if you do!


Q. Why were the Middle Ages so dark?
A. There were so many knights!
-Bane Penguin

Q. What's is a cat's favorite color?
A. Purrrrple!

Q. What do penguins wear on their heads?
A. Ice caps!

Q. Why did the lion cross the road?
A. To get to the mane road!

Q. What is a librarian's favorite color?
A. Read!

Q. What do you call a bunch of Santa's ducks?
A. Christmas quackers!

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