Friday, June 21, 2013

My Thoughts: Puffle Digging and 400th Issue of Club Penguin Times

Hello there, penguin pals! It's me, Woddylan! One of the 4 co-owners of Club Penguin Imagineers! I am really excited to be a part of this epic site. You might know me from my other Club Penguin blog, The CP Igloo Reviewer. If you don't know me from that blog, you should check out that blog! Wow, I just said blog a lot of times. Alright, on with the post (my first post on this site) :)

So, I will be doing a post series called "My Thoughts" on this site. This is where I don't give cheats for things on Club Penguin, but I post on what I think of them. Two different things. So we will have the cheats posts also, but this is just what I think of them. 

So today I have two topics. The 400th issue of the Club Penguin Times and Puffle Digging. I hope you enjoy!
So let's begin with the 400th issue of The Club Penguin Times. There were two things for it - A very short article for it in the Club Penguin Times, and Aunt Arctic came to visit for the day. That's not very decent, at least in my opinion. I think that maybe a good suggestion for them. If your only going to make one article (not counting Ask Aunt Arctic) for the 400th issue, you should at least make it at the top of the page so everybody can see. Also, they could maybe add balloons around the pages of the newspaper, to be a little more decorative. And let's say you saw Aunt Arctic for that one day, and you didn't hear why she was visiting. Then when she was talking in-game, you would be like "What in the world is she talking about??". They could have decorated let's say the Coffee Shop, as that is usually one of the most popular rooms for Aunt Arctic to go in. At least a banner? That was a long part of the post, so let's get on to the next topic, Puffle Digging.

Puffle Digging is a great new feature. You can dig up coins with your puffle! But most of the time you get 40 coins or lower, which makes it seem that it's not worth doing. Also, it's very hard to actually find coins, and then if you finally find some, there's a chance that it's a very low amount! Also, it was recently confirmed that starting this July, you could dig up "rare" items! And if they mean rare as in the items you can get from Sushi Drop, well, bad luck for me. You know, Club Penguin is starting to bring back these "rare" items a lot! And they are extremely rare! I feel sorry for the people who got those items originally, as they were probably proud to be wearing those items, until one day, let's let everybody have those items, said Club Penguin! I'm fine with them giving away old items, but not items that are that rare. I would be fine if it were rare as in 2010 rare. But not any lower than that. The good thing about my outfit is none of the items I wear actually come from the game, so they're probably never going to give them in the game. That's because I got my Club Shirt from the first issue of the Club Penguin Magazine, and I got my Emerald Viking Helmet from the Club Penguin HQ in Kelowna, BC. Anyways, we got a little off topic there. So Puffle Digging is a nice feature, but there could be a few changes with it.

P.S. My penguin's name is regularly pronounced incorrectly, so I'll just tell you how to say it. The first part is Wod, which is pronounced like wad, like a wad of cash. The second part, Dylan, is just like the name Dylan. 

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