Friday, July 4, 2014

The Imagination Renovation 2.0 - The Future Of Interaction

Hello everyone, this is me Dylan, and today I am here to talk about something new for the Club Penguin Imagineers. Lately we've not been active much, and that is about to change big time. Today, I present to you, The Imagination Renovation 2.0. If you remember, back in October 2013 we held the first/original Imagination Renovation, and today we are doing it again. It's not exactly a renovation, it's more a big amount of updates to what we do. As the Imagineers, we realized a little while ago that we aren't interacting with the community enough. So, that's what eventually brought us to the idea of The Imagination Renovation 2.0. A while back we made a video on this on our new YouTube channel, so you can look at that video now by clicking that link, it's the only video on the channel so far. What's showcased in the video isn't even half the stuff happening. As we said, we are going to interact with the community more. So, soon you will see some new series coming to the site, as well as some new CP Imagineer Show episodes! We already got a few things done for The Imagination Renovation 2.0! For one, in case you need help with something Club Penguin/Club Penguin Imagineers related, or just have a question or comment, you can send us a support ticket at! Also, if you want Imagineers Merchandise (shirts, tablet covers, phone covers, etc) we opened a new merchandise shop! You can check it out at! Lastly, you can sign up to get a FREE poster sent to your home once we hit 1,000 Twitter followers! There are 15 spots to get a poster, and as we are writing this 13 are already taken, so go enter now at!!!! That's all that we have so far, and a few hours ago I finished writing the first part of a new series, so that will be up in literally a few minutes! Hope you all have a good day, thanks for reading, and waddle on!

This is Dylan, signing off.


  1. So to interact more, you stop interacting completely? -_- POST!!!

    1. Hi Bubsey,

      The CP Imagineers strive to be as active with the community as possible; however, with each of our lives as busy as they are, we don't have time to do some things that we'd like to do.

      We stopped making frequent update posts because not only were they massively time-consuming, but it's a typical thing for a Club Penguin-themed blog... and we try to stay as far away from typical as we can. :)

      Your message clearly stated that you want us to interact with the community more. I'll respond to your call to action with a question: what would you like us to post about? I'm interested to hear what you come up with.
