Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Imagineers Update: Things are about to get HUGE!

  Hello World, Jordy here. You remember me, right? Well today I'm here for my first official blog post to make some very important Club Penguin Imagineers announcements. By the time you've read this, the CP Imagineers won't be quite the same as you remember it.

   Okay, so first thing's first, Ocean has been working his flippers to the bone trying to get the next episode of the CP Imagineers Show up and ready for you guys. It's taken a lot of hard work and fancy technology that we don't really know a lot about, and it'll be out as soon as possible. We thank you for being so patient with us during this time.

   Up next on the list, and this is a big one: The blog itself. Basically, when it comes to Club Penguin blogs, if you've seen one you've seen them all. Pretty much everyone posts all the same updates, the same pin trackers, and the same party reviews. Well we here at the Imagineers think that we can be a little more creative than that. So from here on out, we're dropping the ol' Copy-and-Paste routine and doing things our way! More than anything, the CP Imagineers blog will begin featuring more original Club Penguin-themed content made by the Imagineers themselves. That means more art, more videos, and more stories coming your way, as well as talking about the creative on-goings of the CP Community itself. However, this is not to say that we won't keep doing the traditional Club Penguin updates posts; we will. But instead of just pasting the information from the CP Website onto a page, we'll be adding a bit of our own flair to each post to make them stand out more.

This last one's the most important one, and it has a little story to it:

   One Sunday morning, I woke up with an epiphany: We're the CP Imagineers, right!? We do crazy new things to help make the world more awesome! Then it hit me, it's time to stop just talking to the community and start hanging out with them! It's time to get more involved! So keep your eyes on the future, readers, because before you know it, the Club Penguin Imagineers will be opening themselves up to the public! No, not the blog! That stays on a team only basis. I mean literally the Imagineers themselves. Starting as soon as possible, the Imagineers team will be inviting members from the Club Penguin community to join us in any kind of crazy creative project we can think of! Whether it be a meet up, an episode of the Show, a big group art project, a collaborative YouTube video or livestream, even coming together to start a project to help the real life community! Whatever it is, we'll be working with you to get it made!

Well, that's all I really have to say for now. I hope this post got you all super excited for what's in store. I can just see you right now, bouncing up and down in front of your computer with a big smile on your face. You know you're excited, I can tell! So until we meet again, this is JordyP1, signing out!


  1. Thanks Jordy - will this be mean you will have more time to draw pictures for fans??

  2. I'm not sure if she'll have time for that or not! With all of this new stuff coming to the CP Imagineers, it's impossible to tell what will happen next! :D
