Thursday, December 26, 2013

Club Penguin Times issue #427 - Rockhopper Talks Trains!

Check out this week's issue of the Club Penguin Times!

The Captain takes a rare moment between train trips.

By Aunt Arctic - Interviewing Captain Rockhopper is always entertaining - even when it involves a lot of fact-checking. I caught up to him at the train station for this exclusive interview.

AA: "So Captain, how does being a train engineer compare to being a ship captain?"

RH: "I say it be just as excitin'. Why, it be only a few nights ago (Tuesday, perhaps) when I can across a terrible beast. It was a stormy night on the rails, and me hold was full o' coins. I be nearin' the station when out of the snow rsoe a Woolly Pink Flamingo! The monster hopped on me train and be peckin' at me hat before I could say, 'Shiver me tinsel!'"

RH: "I swung the train to starboard and headed straight into the storm! The winds were whippin' up snow and I be blinded! Me only hope was to press on at full speed! When I came out the other side o' the storm, the pesky bird be gone. I be happy as a clam that me haul o' coins made it back to the donation station that night."
AA: "Thank you, Captain Rockhopper. Everyone look for rogue Woolly Pink Flamingos! God luck on your next voyage."

A bright new year is on the horizon! See you in 2014!
-Aunt Arctic

The countdown is on!

By Aunt Arctic - With New Year's Eve approaching fast, I was thinking about how new year's resolutions adn what I want to accomplish next year. Here is my resolution along with some others that I wanted to share:

I want to listen to our readers more investigate the stories they want.
-Aunt Arctic

I resolve to get in touch with my past... and my future! -Gary the Gadget guy

I be lookin' to sail with me mateys on new adventures! Arr! -Captain Rockhopper

My objective is to train Rookie to an acceptable level of expertise. -Jet Pack Guy

I'm gonna make superstars of all of YOU! Start working on UR talents! -Cadence

Jan. 9 Penguin Style
Classic looks from years gone by!

Jan. 16 Stage
You'll go Ooga Booga for January's play!

On now: Coins For cHange - Donate before the end of the year!

Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until January 8.
Next pin hidden: January 9 - 22


How do I get your Stamp?
-Cole Ector

Avast! Ye can get me Stamp (and what a handsome Stamp it be) whene'er ye be in the same room as me. Come find me before the end of Coins for Change! Join me on a pirate parade or for a frothy mug o' cream soda and ye'll have me lovely Stamp!

How do I get your background?
-Cole Ector

Ye be full o' questions I see! To get me background, ye need to check out me Player Card and click "the box icon." I be more than happy to give it out, too. It be a good way to show off yer pirate pride!  Same goes for me Friends List. Make certain ye send an invite and I be sure to add ye. I swear it to ye by my ship and beard!



If you've got a knack for making a stylish Holiday igloo, then you need to come visit the Dock! Right now, everyone can hang ornaments and help our island look wonderfully festive! Come by and throw an ornament on the tree. Together we'll make it shine!

Q. Why study in an airplane?
A. To get a higher education!

Q. What's the difference between a cat and a comma?
A. One has claws on the end of its paws and one is a pause at the end of a clause!

Q. How do snowmen get online?
A. With the winternet!

Q. When is a king like a piece of wood?
A. When he's a ruler!

Q. Why couldn't the shoe talk?
A. Because its tongue was tied!

Q. What did the penny say to the other penny?
A. We make perfect cents!

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